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Monday, May 16, 2011

Mommybites Summit

Please join me Thursday, May 19th, 6-9:30 PM
at the Mommybites Summit where I'll be hosting an
Expect to Be Fit table

Babybites invites city moms (and dads and even grandparents!) to their annual Mommybites Summit: The Ultimate Moms Night Out, happening May 19 at the Columbia Faculty House. It’s an evening to meet other parents; enjoy wine and snacks; check out a variety of cool kids’ products and services; and hear from notable parenting experts, including keynote speaker and “ScreamFree Parenting” author Hal Runkel, Cool Mom Picks publisher and CEO Kristen Chase, and Emmy-winning producers Mary Ann Zoellner and Alicia Ybarbo. All attendees will be entered to win incredible raffle prizes and will leave with a gift bag. To learn more, click here.

The Ultimate Moms Night Out...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Putting the Science back in Nutrition

The inaugural blog post... so many topics to choose from! As fitness and nutrition go hand-in-hand, this first post will be a nod to nutrition with a strong recommendation of two books by Gary Taubes: Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It.

In Good Calories, Bad Calories, award-winning science writer Gary Taubes brilliantly presents the fruits of 7 years of probing research to make sense out of the frustratingly controversial field of nutrition science. In this 500-page tome, Taubes carefully analyzes not only the data but also the political and historical contexts that contributed to much of the misinformation that still dominates public and medical opinion. For those who need a thorough explanation and a long, deep look at existing evidence - this is the book.

For those who would rather cut to the chase - get all the important points with brevity and efficiency, Taubes also offers what is essentially an easy-to-digest summary of Good Calories, Bad Calories in his newest book: Why We Get Fat And What To Do About It. Although he does offer a brief outline of a dietary plan in the Appendix, this is not a diet book. It's an explanation of how our bodies work, what regulates fat accumulation vs. fat-burning, and how to use that knowledge to achieve both a healthy weight and a healthier body.

For anyone interested in health, nutrition, and a balanced voice amid the clamor of "experts" shouting contradictory advice, both books by Gary Taubes offer an intellectually rigorous breath of fresh air.

In my upcoming post, I'll share some specific nutritional guidelines gleaned from the above referenced books and discuss their application during pregnancy and the child-bearing year.

Until then, expect to be fit!

